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Customize the visual assets

This boilerplate provides a convenient set of scripts to generate images and icons. You can find these scripts in the scripts directory. Follow the instructions below to generate your assets:

Generating Images:

  1. Place your source images in the src/assets/images directory.

  2. Run the following command to automatically import the images into the assets/images/index.ts file:

    npm run images
  3. Get your images in app from components For example:

    import { AppImage, Images } from "@src/components"

    use it in component as

    get local static Images from same assets

    import { Images } from "@src/assets"

    For Placing static image from local assets

    <AppImage source="{Images.PLACEHOLDER_IMAGE}" style="{styles.newsImage}" />

    To get from url or any base64

    <AppImage source={"url || any"} style={styles.newsImage} />

Generating Icons:

  1. Place your source icon image in the src/assets/icons directory.

  2. Run the following command to automatically import the icons into the assets/icons/index.ts file:

    npm run icons
  3. Get your icon in app from components For example:

    import { Icon, SvgIcon } from "@src/components"

    get local static Icons and SVGIcons from same assets

    import { Icons, SVGIcons } from "@src/assets"

    use it in component as

    <Icon icon="{Icons.DEBUG_ICONS}" style="{styles.debugIcon}" />

Linking fonts:

  • React-Native-Asset

    1. Place your fonts in the src/assets/fonts directory.

    2. Run the following command to automatically link on native side.

      npx react-native-asset
    3. For linking of custom that not in google fonts required extra steps in iOS.

    • add those fonts first in fontBook app then use that name used given in fontBook.